We offer the following services:
Financial monitoring
- Receive brief from the client. Establish client’s financial requirements. Advise client on various courses of action and procedures to suit the particular requirements of the project.
- Comment on project cost estimates and on financial viability studies prepared by others. Provide cost advice as required.
- Comment on fee proposals submitted by consultants.
- Comment on procurement procedures and documentation prior to calling for tenders or negotiating.
- Comment on tender reports and recommendations.
- Comment on contract documentation, including priced bills of quantities where applicable, prior to signing of the contract.
- Comment on sub-contract procurement procedures and documentation prior to calling for tenders or negotiation.
- Comment on tender reports and recommendations for sub-contracts.
- Comment on financial reports and cash flow schedules.
- Advise the client on interim and final payment certificates prior to issuing.
- Attend management/financial meetings.
- Comment on the financial and contractual aspects of claims between the client and the contractor (excluding services related to mediation, arbitration and litigation).
- Advise the client on the acceptability of the final account.